Meas. mode:
Package License:
Waveform type:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:MEASure:JITTer:OJITter:JNU:ECATegory {ALL | C03 | R01 | R02 | R03 | R12 | R13 | R23 | F10 | F20 | F30 | F21 | F31 | F32}

Query Syntax


Query Response

 {ALL | C03 | R01 | R02 | R03 | R12 | R13 | R23 | F10 | F20 | F30 | F21 | F31 | F32}


For an IEEE 12-Edge Output Jitter measurement, selects the waveform's edge (edge category) on which a returned measurement result is based. The actual measurement result is returned using the :MEASure:JITTer:OJITter:JNU? query. The measurement result is always for a specified type and edge category. To select the output jitter type, use the :MEASure:JITTer:OJITter:SJNU command.

Command arguments select a specific waveform edge for the histogram: rising or falling. Arguments for rising edges start with the letter R. Arguments for falling edges start with the letter F. For example, the argument R23 selects the rising edge from the waveform level 2 to level 3. The default argument ALL selects all edges. You can also select to have a composite of Rising (R03) and Falling (F30) edges using the C03 argument.

The following table shows the position of related measurements (by command argument) on the Output Jitter panel.

Command Arguments for Selected Waveform Edges
Destination Level
To L0 To L1 To L2 To L3
From L3 F30 F31 F32
From L2 F20 F21 R23
From L1 F10 R12 R13
From L0 R01 R02 R03

Command Coupling

Changing the setting for this measurement also changes the setting for the IEEE EOJ and Jrms measurements.

This setting does not affect the edge-category selection that is used to construct the displayed Output Jitter Histogram. The histogram's edge-category setting is made using the following command:

Use the :MEASure:JITTer:OJITter:STATe command to turn on IEEE jitter measurements.

Revision A.07.00 added the C03 argument.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.05.85 and above.