Command Syntax
:MEASure:JITTer:OJITter:STATe {ON | OFF | 1 | 0}
Query Syntax
Query Response
{ON | OFF | 1 | 0}
Sending ON
activates the following three Jitter 12-Edge Output Jitter measurements for PAM4 signals. You can use these commands to query the measurement results based on all edges or specific edges.
) - IEEE JNU (
Activating these commands displays the measurement results in the Output Jitter panel and displays the Output Jitter Histogram. By default, the displayed histogram is based on all waveform edges but you can set the histogram to be based on a specific edge type using the :DISPlay:JITTer:OJITter:ECATegory
command. Selecting the histogram to be displayed does not affect the measurement results shown in the panel or returned by the commands. To return the Output Jitter Histogram database as binary data, use the :MEASure:JITTer:OJITter:HISTogram?
query. To include the Output Jitter panel results in the documentation wizard, use the :DISK:DWIZard:OJITter:SDATa
Always follow this command with the :SYSTem:AUToscale
and *OPC?
command to start the measurements.
:MEASure:JITTer:OJITter:STATe ON :SYSTem:AUToscale *OPC?
Sending OFF
turns off all 12-Edge Output Jitter measurement and histograms.
The 12-Edge Output Jitter measurements determine uncorrelated jitter by using an algorithm that is not affected by how the source constructs the PAM4 waveform. Sources construct PAM4 waveforms either directly using DACs or by combining two different NRZ signals and this can affect jitter measurement results when a traditional jitter measurement algorithm is used.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.05.70 and above.