
Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:SYSTem:MPButton:QSPBack:SSCRipt {ON | OFF}

Query Syntax



When the Multi-Purpose button is configured to run a SCPI script, use this command to select whether to run the same script or a unique script for each instrument mode (Oscilloscope, Eye/Mask, Jitter, and TDR/TDT). To configure the Multi-Purpose button to run a SCPI script file, use the :SYSTem:MPButton:FUNCtion command.

The commands arguments are:

Pressing the MultiPurpose button run a single script regardless of the current instrument mode. This script does not exist, so you must create the script, give it any name that you want, and place it in the \Scripts user folder. You cannot save scripts to the \Multi-Purpose Button subfolder as it is a shortcut to a folder that is write protected.
A unique script can be assigned to run in each instrument mode (Oscilloscope, Eye/Mask, Jitter, and TDR/TDT). You must first create your scripts for each mode and then save them in the \Scripts user folder. There are default mode scripts located in the \Scripts\Multi-Purpose Button folder as shown in the following table. However, you cannot save scripts to this subfolder as it is a shortcut to a folder that is write protected.

A Default Setup does not clear or reset the currently assigned SCPI scripts. To reset the dialog to the default scripts, click Setup > Factory Preset.

Command Arguments
Argument Instrument Mode Where Script is Run Command to Specify Script Factory Preset Script
ON All :MPButton:QSPBack:FNAMe
OFF Eye/Mask :MPButton:QSPBack:EYE:FNAMe MultiPurpose Eye.scpi
Jitter :MPButton:QSPBack:JITTer:FNAMe MultiPurpose Jitter.scpi
Oscilloscope :MPButton:QSPBack:OSCilloscope:FNAMe MultiPurpose Scope.scpi
TDR/TDT :MPButton:QSPBack:TDR:FNAMe MultiPurpose TDR.scpi

Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.50 and above.