Command Syntax
:SYSTem:MPButton:SIMage:BFName "<filename>"
"<filename>" is a string of the file name with optional path. The string can include path substitution strings.
Query Syntax
Enters the base filename for saving screen images using the Multi-Purpose button. The defaul filename is QuickScreenSave.jpg. To specify the type of image file saved, use the :SYSTem:MPButton:SIMage:FTYPe
command, or append one of the following file name extensions .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, or .tif. Each image file that is saved uses a variation of your base filename. The name of the saved file is in the form of:
<base filename>_<year>-<month>-<day>_<index>.<extension>
For example, suppose that you enter a base filename of EyeDiagram.png and you save your first screen image file on April 19th, 2015. The name of the file will be EyeDiagram_2015-4-19_1.png.
After entering the base filename, configure the Multi-Purpose button to save a screen images using the :SYSTem:MPButton:FUNCtion
Example Command Sequence
:SYSTem:MPButton:SIMage:FTYPe PNG :SYSTem:MPButton:SIMage:BFName "ProtoWaveform" // Assign a base filename :SYSTem:MPButton:SIMage:INVert ON :SYSTem:MPButton:FUNCtion SSCReen // Assign saving a screen image to Multi-Purpose button
Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.50 and above.