Command Syntax
:TIMebase:FIND:SEQuence "bit sequence"
"bit sequence" is a string of binary digits "0" and "1".
Query Syntax
In Oscilloscope and Eye/Mask mode, defines a specific sequence of symbols to search for within an acquired waveform pattern. The entered symbol sequence is a string of binary "0" and "1" characters. A maximum of 128 characters is allowed. For example, you may need to observe how your device under test responds to a 1110
symbol sequence. After entering the symbol sequence, use the :TIMebase:FIND:SIGNal
command to select the pattern waveform on which to perform the search. Use the :TIMebase:FIND:NEXT
command to initiate the search. Each use ot the NEXT
command locates the next location in the pattern that matches the sequence. The time scale is automatically adjusted to zoom in on the symbol sequence. To query the symbol offset of a located symbol sequence within the pattern, use the :TIMebase:BPOSition
query. The location of the sequence within the pattern is also shown in the Pattern Navigation Display that is located at the top of the FlexDCA's display.
To use this feature, pattern lock must be turned on (:TRIGger:PLOCk
). It is recommended that the entire pattern be acquired (:ACQuire:EPATtern
) and that waveform wrapping be turned off (:ACQuire:WRAPping
Requires FlexDCA revision A.01.80 and above.
The Find Bit Sequence feature is available in Oscilloscope and Eye/Mask modes only.
:TIMebase:FIND:SEQuence "1110"