Deprecated command. For FlexDCA revision A.05.60 and above, use the :WMEMory:SRATe
Command Syntax
:WMEMoryN:BRATe bit_rate
<bit_rate> is a double.
Where N identifies one of eight {1:8} possible waveform memories. For example, :WMEMory4
Query Syntax
Enters the bit rate used, which automatically sets the bits range :TIMebase:BRANge
and bit delay :TIMebase:BPOSition
. To change the timebase scale to seconds instead of bits, use :TIMebase:UNITs
In Jitter Mode, bit rate, bits displayed, and bit delay controls are disabled. Do not use this command in Jitter Mode. It generates an error.
Example Command Sequence
:TIMebase:UNITs BIT :TIMebase:BRATe 9.953E+9