<CLimitLine> Element

UXR Scope
Flex Apps:
Meas. mode:

<CLimitLine> defines an upper (maximum) or lower (minimum) limit line that is made up of two or more points. The points establish limit-line segments. From 1 to 16 lines can be defined in one Limit Line Test file. A limit line segments defined within a <CLimitLine> element are continuous and do not contain gaps. If you want to create a gap, use two <CLimitLine> elements.

Parent Elements


Child Elements



Name Value Description
Name string Optional identifying name for a limit line. The name is shown in the Details dialog which is accessed from the Limit-Line Results table.
IsMaxLine string Required attribute which names a limit line. "True" specifies an upper (maximum) limit line. Data points that occur above the line indicate "fail". Data points below the line indicate "pass".
"False" specifies an upper (minimum) limit line. Data points that occur below the line indicate "fail". Data points above the line indicate "pass".
If the IsMaxLine attribute is and empty string, the line is interpreted to be a minimum line.


<CLimitLineTestData Name="Compliance Test">
 <!-- Define Upper Limit Line -->
 <CLimitLine Name="top rail" IsMaxLine="True">
  <CLimitLinePoint X="0" Y="150e-03" />  <!-- Define the first point -->
  <CLimitLinePoint X="500e-12" Y="150e-03" />  <!-- Define another point -->
  <CLimitLinePoint X="600e-12" Y="400e-03" />  <!-- Define another point -->
  <CLimitLinePoint X="900e-09" Y="400e-03" />  <!-- Define another point -->
 </CLimitLine>  <!-- Finish the line --><!-- Define Lower Limit Line -->
 <CLimitLine Name="bottom rail" IsMaxLine="False">
  <CLimitLinePoint X="0" Y="-150e-03" /> 
  <CLimitLinePoint X="500e-12" Y="-150e-03" />
  <CLimitLinePoint X="600e-12" Y="-400e-03" />
  <CLimitLinePoint X="900e-09" Y="-400e-03" />