Lesson 3. Creating a Butterworth User Application Script

UXR Scope
Flex Apps:

In this MATLAB example, you'll learn how to modify the Butterworth filter operator that you created in Lesson 2 to be a MATLAB standalone application. MATLAB standalone applications can be run using the MATLAB Runtime without have to install MATLAB.

MATLAB Applications are created using the MATLAB Compiler. The resulting *.exe file can be run without having MATLAB installed on the 86100D or PC. However, the MATLAB Runtime must be installed on the 86100D or PC where FlexDCA is installed and the MATLAB Runtime version must be the same version as was targeted when the MATLAB Application was created.


  1. Complete Lesson 2. The resulting Butterworth.xml and Butterworth.m files should be in FlexDCA's user functions folder (\Documents\Keysight\FlexDCA\User Functions).
  2. Using a text editor, open the Butterworth.xml file. Change the content of the file's <Script> element from Butterworth.m to algorithm.exe. We will create algorithm.m which will be compiled into algorithm.exe.
  3. All letters in algorithm.m must be typed in lower case. Naming the function Algorithm.m will break the script.

    Drag the mouse over this listing, enter Ctrl-C to copy, and paste it into your text editor!
    • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    • <Function xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
    • xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    • <Script>algorithm.exe</Script>
    • <Name>Butterworth</Name>
    • <Abbreviation>Butter</Abbreviation>
    • <Comments>Creates a Butterworth filter</Comments>
    • <FunctionType>1 Source</FunctionType>
    • <Control Name = "FilterType">
    • <Enumeration>
    • <Default>low</Default>
    • <Selection>low</Selection>
    • <Selection>high</Selection>
    • </Enumeration>
    • </Control>
    • <Control Name = "FilterOrder">
    • <Integer>
    • <Min>1</Min>
    • <Max>4</Max>
    • <Units>None</Units>
    • <Default>2</Default>
    • </Integer>
    • </Control>
    • <Control Name = "FilterCutoff">
    • <Double>
    • <Min>10e6</Min>
    • <Max>1000e9</Max>
    • <Resolution>1000</Resolution>
    • <Units>Hertz</Units>
    • <Default>7.5e9</Default>
    • </Double>
    • </Control>
    • </Function>
  4. Make a copy of the Butterworth.m script file and rename the copy algorithm.m. The name of a script file for a standalone application must always be algorithm.m.
  5. Open the algorithm.m scipt file in MATLAB. Make the following edits to the script as shown in this listing:
    1. Add the first line in the script as shown in green.
    2. Add the reference InputVars. shown in red before every FlexDCA input variable in the script. Do not forget to add the period character "." between InputVars. and the variable. For example, SrcData becomes InputVars.SrcData.
    3. Add a structure of output variables shown in blue to the end of the script.
    Script algorithm.m with Modifications
    Drag the mouse over this listing, enter Ctrl-C to copy, and paste it into the MATLAB editor!
    function OutputVars = algorithm(InputVars)
    % Initialize output variables
    FiltData = []; % Output waveform
    Gain = 1.0;
    XUnits = 'Same';
    YUnits = 'Same';
    ErrorMsg = '';
    % Gather input data
    SrcData = InputVars.SrcData; % Input waveform
    XOrg = InputVars.XOrg;
    XInc = InputVars.XInc;
    IsPeriodic = InputVars.IsPeriodic;
    % Gather user-defined controls
    N = InputVars.FilterOrder;
    Fc = InputVars.FilterCutoff;
    FType = InputVars.FilterType;
    % Constant output variables
    FilterDelay = N * 0.112 / Fc;
    FilterWidth = N / Fc;
    if ~isempty(SrcData)
        % Create the filter
        Wn = 2 * XInc * Fc;
        [B,A] = butter(N, Wn, FType);
        numPts = length(SrcData);
        if IsPeriodic
            % Perform the filtering circularly using ffts.
            fftSrcData = fft(SrcData);
            h = freqz(B, A, numPts, 'whole').';
            FiltData = real(ifft(fftSrcData .* h));
            % Rotate to remove FilterDelay.
            shift = round(FilterDelay / XInc);
            FiltData = circshift(FiltData, [0, -shift]);
            startIndex = ceil(FilterWidth / XInc) + 1;
            if (startIndex > numPts)
                ErrorMsg = 'Too few points. Pipeline eats up entire waveform.';
                % Perform the filtering
                FiltData = filter(B, A, SrcData);
                % Remove filter delay and pipeline
                FiltData = FiltData(startIndex:end);
                leadPipeline = FilterWidth - FilterDelay;
                XOrg = XOrg + leadPipeline;
    OutputVars = struct(...
        'FiltData', FiltData,...
        'XOrg', XOrg,...
        'XInc', XInc,...
        'Gain', Gain,...
        'FilterWidth', FilterWidth,...
        'FilterDelay', FilterDelay,...
        'XUnits', XUnits,...
        'YUnits', YUnits,...
        'ErrorMsg', ErrorMsg);
  6. Create a folder to which you will save the files that will be compiled into your standalone application. The following simplified picture shows a project folder (Application Source Files) created within MATLAB's default project folder. You can give your folder any name that you like. Place the files shown in the picture into your folder. The file are:
    1. Move the algorithm.m scipt file that you created in the previous step.
    2. Copy three additional files that are required when compiling a MATLAB scipt into a MATLAB standalone application:
      • InteropHelper.jar
      • protobuf-java-2.6.1.jar
      • wrapper.m.
      Location of Additional Files to Compile
      From the shortcut folder located in
      \My Documents\Keysight\FlexDCA\User Functions
      Directly from the folder
      \Program Files\Keysight\FlexDCA\Demo\
      User Functions\Demo Compiled MATLAB

    Do not place the Butterworth.xml file into this folder.

  7. Your folder for compiling your script should now have the files shown in the following picture.
  8. In MATLAB's Command Window, run the deploytool command to view the Compiler dialog.
  9. In the Compiler dialog, double click Application Compiler to run the compiler.
  10. In the MATLAB Compiler, click the button to add the wrapper.m script from your source folder. Select Runtime downloaded from web as show in this picture. Finally, in the Application information field enter the name for your application. This will be the name given to your .exe file.
  11. In the Files required for your application to run field, click the button and add the algorithm.m, InteropHelper.jar, and protobuf-java-2.6.1.jar files as shown in the following picture.
  12. Save your standalone application project, and click the Compiler's Package button.
  13. After the compile completes, close the MATLAB compiler and open File Explorer. MATLAB has placed the compiled files for the application in the MATLAB\Butterworth\for_testing folder as shown in this picture. The executable file is Butterworth.exe. Remember, that at the start of this lesson you edited the Butterworth.xml file's <Script> element to use the Butterworth.exe file.
  14. Copy the Butterworth.exe file to FlexDCA's user functions folder (\Documents\Keysight\FlexDCA\User Functions).
  15. On each PC or 86100D where you want to run your executable, perform the following steps:
    1. Install FlexDCA
    2. Place the Butterworth.xml and Butterworth.exe files in FlexDCA's user functions folder (\Documents\Keysight\FlexDCA\User Functions).
    3. Install the correct MCR version.
    4. On FlexDCA's menu, click Measure > Waveform Signal Processing (Math).
    5. At the top of the Waveform Signal Processing dialog, select the User tab and drag a single-input User operator icon into the operator construction area as shown in the following picture.
    6. Click on the user operator to open the User Operator Setup dialog.
    7. In the dialog, click Browse and select your XML configuration file, Butterworth.xml which points to the Butterworth.exe file.
    8. In the Waveform Signal Processing dialog, drag a Function Color to the User Operator as shown in the following picture. This will display the output waveform of the function.
    9. You may have to wait a few seconds for the waveform to appear and the waring icon () to be removed.