Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:CHANnelN:TDELay  <position>

Where N identifies a specific channel and must be selected from {1:8}{A|B|C|D}. For example, CHANnel3C.

Where <position> is the delay in seconds and is a double.

Query Syntax



Adjusts the horizontal position of one active channel with respect to another active channel on the display. This allows you to compensate for the time offset between two or more channels. The numerical argument is a real number in seconds which is added to the current time base position to shift the position of the channel's data in time. The default value is zero seconds. Use this command to compensate for differences in the electrical lengths of input paths due to cabling and probes. The skew adjust differs from the horizontal position (:TIMebase:POSition), which changes the position all of the channels at the same time. Adjusting the skew does not affect the horizontal scale, vertical scale, and offset of the displayed channels. To apply skew to the channels of an 86118A-H01 module, use the :CHANnel:SKEW command.

In Jitter Mode, skew adjustments are disabled. Do not use this command in Jitter Mode. It generates a settings conflict error.