Command Syntax
:TIMebase:POSition <seconds>
<seconds> is a double.
Query Syntax
Sets the time at the delay reference point. The reference point is located at the display's left side (default) or the right side, as selected by the :TIMebase:REFerence
command. In TDR mode, the reference point can also be set to two divisions in from the left side, which only affects the standard Waveform content window.
The position time specified establishes the time interval between the trigger event and the delay reference point, when the timebase units are set to seconds (:TIMebase:UNITs
). This is the delay between the time a trigger is received and when the data is actually sampled. The maximum setting depends on the time-per-division setting. The minimum value you can set the horizontal position to is 10 ns (N1000A) defined at the left edge of the display graticule. If pattern lock is on (requires N1000A-PLK), the minimum time delay is set by the minimum timebase position setting (:TIMebase:MPOSition
In Jitter Mode, scale and position controls are disabled. Do not use this command in Jitter Mode. It generates an error.
Common Numerical Child Commands
This command supports the use of the following common numerical child commands: :DEFault
, :MAXimum
, :MINimum
, and :STEP
Example Command Sequence
:TIMebase:UNITs SECond :TIMebase:SCALe 5.02E-12 :TIMebase:POSition 2.41E-08