Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:DIFFN:TDELay  <delay>

<delay> is time expressed as a real number.

Where N identifies the differential waveform, which must be selected from {1:8}{A|C}. For example, the differential waveform of channels 1A and 2A would be identified as :DIFF1A.

Query Syntax



Adjusts the software delay to change the horizontal position of displayed waveforms. Which waveform is delayed is determined by the :DIFF:DSTRacking command. The delayed waveform can be the differential waveform or the delay between the two differential input waveforms. Software delay allows you to compensate for the time offset between two or more channels. The difference in timing may be caused by different types or lengths of cable. The delay adjust also allows you to lay one channel waveform over another channel waveform and compare the shapes of the two waveforms. Delay increases the time required to acquire the measurement data.

The skew adjust differs from the horizontal position control (:TIMebase:POSition), which changes the position all of the channels at the same time. Adjusting the skew does not affect the horizontal scale, vertical scale, and offset of the displayed channels.

In Jitter Mode, skew adjustments are disabled. Do not use this command in Jitter Mode. It generates a settings conflict error.