Command Syntax
:DIFF{1:8}{A|C}:UNAMe <string>
Where the required specifier {1:8}{A|C}
identifies the differential channel by its module slot and channel letter. For example, the differential waveform of channels 1A and 1B would be identified as :DIFF1A
The channel specifier will fail if it does not include a slot number. If instead the suffix's channel letter is missing, the command defaults to letter A
. As a result, the best practice is to always explicitly specify the channel by including both the module slot number and channel letter.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.03.00 and above.
Query Syntax
Assigns a custom user name to a differential waveform. User names are helpful because they identify what a waveform represents rather than the oscilloscope's input channel. For example, you could assign user name "DUT 3, Diff Output" to differential waveform 2A. User names can be 25 characters or less and are displayed on the screen and on screen captures. To remove a custom user name, re-create it using an empty string.
Custom user names can by created for other waveforms using the following commands:
Example Command
:DIFF4C:UNAMe "DUT 3, Diff Output"