Command Syntax
Where the {1:8} specifier identifies a specific module by slot.
For the indicated slot, disconnects an extended module: simulated module, DCA-M module, arbitrary waveform generator, or optical switch. When FlexDCA is running on a PC, this command can be used to remove a connection to an DCA-X from slots 1 to 4.
Disconnecting an extended module disconnects the connection. The module's identification string remains assigned to the slot, but the slot is specified as being empty instead of holding the extended module. This can be seen using the :EMODules:SELection?
query. Executing this command (or the :EMODules:SLOT:CONNect
command) on an empty (unassigned) slot results in a settings conflict error.
Use an *OPC?
query to pause program execution while waiting for this command to execute.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.02.00 and above.
Example Command