
Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:EMODules:SLOTN:SELection {EMPTy | DCA | DCAM | RTSCope | AWGenerator | SWITch | DEMini | DOMini | OEMini | QEMini | N4877A}

Where N identifies a specific module by slot and must be selected from {1:8}. For example, :SLOT2.

Query Syntax


Query Response

{EMPT | DCA | DCAM | RTSC | AWG | SWIT | DEM | DOM | OEM | QEM | N4877A}


Assigns an extended module to an internal slot (1-4) or simulated slot (5-8). The DCA argument assigns a DCA-X (N1000A or 86100D) to slot 1 and the DCA-X occupies slots 1 through 4. A DCA-X can not be assigned to slots 5 through 8.

In Standard configuration, an 86100D is automatically assigned and cannot be unassigned. The AWGenerator is the only argument that is available when running FlexDCA in FlexRT.

Supported optical switches are used by the FlexOTO application and not by FlexDCA. However, FlexDCA's ability to connect an optical switch is provided so that you can control an optical switch from FlexDCA or exercise an switch outside of FlexOTO for troubleshooting purposes. FlexOTO does not provide or allow direct switch control by users or via remote SCPI commands. After connecting to an optical switch, you can control the switch using commands in the :FRAMe subsystem and :SLOT subsystem.

Extended modules can be simulated modules, a DCA-M (such as the N1090A DCA-M is a single optical channel sampling oscilloscope), an M8194/5/6A Arbitrary Waveform Generator (AWG), or an optical switch. If you install an arbitrary waveform generator or a simulated module, use the commands in the :SOURce subsystem to configure the module's waveform. For an AWG, additional commands are available in the :EMODules subsystem.

Use the command query to determine what, if any, extended module is assigned to each slot.

Argument Availability
Argument Assigns N1010A FlexDCA N1010A FlexDCA
(in FlexRT)
Slots 1-4 Slots 5-8 Slots 1-4 Slots 5-8 Slots 1-4 Slots 5-8
EMPTy Clears (removes) an assigned module      
DCA Assigns a DCA-X to slots 1 through 4        
DCAM Assigns an N109x-series or N107x-series DCA-M module      
RTSCope Assigns a Keysight UXR-series oscilloscope to slots 1 through 4.          
AWGenerator Assigns a Keysight M8194/5/6A arbitrary waveform generator to a slot.    
SWITch Assigns an optical switch      
DEMini Assigns simulated dual-electrical module      
DOMini Assigns simulated dual-optical module      
OEMini Assigns simulated electrical-optical module      
QEMini Assigns simulated quad-electrical module      
N4877A Assigns an N4877A clock data recovery instrument      

Requires FlexDCA revision A.06.00 for the M8195A and M8196A. Optical switch support requires revision A.07.00. For other extended modules, requires FlexDCA revision A.02.00 and above.

Example Command Sequence

:EMODules:SLOT1:SELection QEMini EMPTy /* Remove DCA internal slots from slots 1 through 4 */
:EMODules:SLOT2:SELection QEMini /* Assign simulated quad-electrical to slot 2 */