Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax


Where N identifies a specific module by slot and must be selected from {1:8}. For example, :SLOT2.


For the indicated slot, connects to FlexDCA an extended module: simulated module, DCA-M module, arbitrary waveform generator, or optical switch.

This command does not apply to establishing a remote connection from FlexDCA that is running on a PC to an DCA-X (N1000A or 86100D). To connect a DCA-X, use the :RDCA subsystem commands.

This command does not apply to simulated modules. Installing and connecting a simulated module only requires the :EMODules:SLOT:SELection command.

Use an *OPC? query to pause program execution while waiting for this command to execute.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.06.00 for the arbitrary waveform generator. An optical switch requires revision A.07.00. For other extended modules, requires FlexDCA revision A.02.00 and above.

DCA-M Modules

Normally, the DCA-M connection is automatically established whenever a USB cable is connected between a powered-on DCA-M and a PC (with FlexDCA) or a DCA-X. Use the :EMODules:SLOT:CONNect command when re-assigning DCA-Ms to different slots or to re-establish a connection to a DCA-M that has been disconnected using the :EMODules:SLOT:DISConnect command.

Making the connection requires the following three commands:

  • :EMODules:DCAM:DEVice. Use to specify the DCA-M's identification string. For example, "N1092D-US56140205". The entered string is not affected by the :EMODules:SLOT:DISConnect command.
  • :EMODules:SLOT:SELection DCAM. Use to specify that it is a DCA-M module is assigned to the slot. When the :EMODules:SLOT:DISConnect command is used to disconnect the DCA-M from the slot, the slot selection is automatically changed from DCAM to EMPTy. Executing the :EMODules:SLOT:CONNect command on an empty (unassigned) slot results in a settings conflict error. As a result, before reconnecting the DCA-M you must reset the slot selection to DCAM.
  • :EMODules:SLOT:CONNect;*OPC?. Use to establish the FlexDCA-to-DCA-M connection.

Optical Switch

Depending on the optical switch, the switch can be connected using either USB or LAN. If the connection uses USB, the optical switch connection is automatically established whenever a USB cable is connected between a powered-on optical switch and a PC (with FlexDCA) or a DCA-X. If the connection is made over LAN, use the commands noted below to configure the connection.

Use the :EMODules:SLOT:CONNect command when re-assigning an optical switch to a different slot or to re-establish a connection to a optical switch that has been disconnected using the :EMODules:SLOT:DISConnect command.

Making the connection requires the following commands:

  • :EMODules:SLOT:SELection SWITch. Use to specify that it is a optical switch is assigned to the slot. When the :EMODules:SLOT:DISConnect command is used to disconnect the DCA-M from the slot, the slot selection is automatically changed from DCAM to EMPTy. Executing the :EMODules:SLOT:CONNect command on an empty (unassigned) slot results in a settings conflict error. As a result, before reconnecting the optical switch you must reset the slot selection to DCAM.
  • If the connection is made over LAN, use the following commands to configure the connection.
  • :EMODules:SLOT:CONNect;*OPC?. Use to establish the FlexDCA-to-optical switch connection.

M8195/6/9A Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG)

Use the :EMODules:SLOT:CONNect command command to connect an AWG extended module. Making the connection requires the following commands:

Example Command Sequence for connecting AWG:

:EMODules:SLOT6:SELection AWGenerator
:EMODules:AWGenerator6:SADDress "lan,4880;hislip[WINDOWS-6ISM873]:hislip0"

When an AWG connection is made, all AWG channels are turned off. When an AWG connection is disconnected, the on/off state of the AWG channels is not changed.

Example Python Script

In this example program, three DCA-M instruments are connected to FlexDCA: N1077A, N1090A, and N1092D. The program disconnects all DCA-M instruments and simulated modules and then reconnects the three DCA-M instrument to the new assigned slots. The new slots and device identification strings for the three DCA-Ms is specified in the dictionary, dcam-dict.

import visa # import PyVISA library
rm = visa.ResourceManager() # Create an instance of PyVISA's ResourceManager
flex.read_termination = '\n'
flex.timeout =  10000 # 10s
print('\nMoving DCA-Ms to different slots...')
for slot in '12345678':
    model = flex.query(':EMODules:slot'+slot+':SELection?')
    if model in ['DCAM','DEMini','QEMini','OEMini','DOMini']:
        if 'CONN' in flex.query(':EMODules:SLOT'+slot+':STATe?'):
            print('Disconnecting DCA-M in slot '+slot+' ...', flush=True)
print('All DCA-M and simulated modules disconnected.\n', flush=True)
dcam_dict = {'5':'"N1077A-US12345678"',
for key, value in dcam_dict.items():
    flex.write(':EMODules:DCAM'+key+':DEVice '+value)
    flex.write(':EMODules:SLOT'+key+':SELection DCAM')
    print(value[1:7] + ' connected to slot '+key+'.', flush=True)
print('All DCA-Ms have been moved.')