
Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:LTESt:ACQuire:SWAVeform:FUNCtion{1:64}:FNAMe "<path substitution string>\subfolder\filename"

Where {1:64} identifies a function.

Where <path substitution string> is a string that expands into a specific file path. For example, %USER_DATA_DIR%.

Where "subfolder" is an optional path folder. For example, %USER_DATA_DIR%\Waveforms.

Where "filename" is a string without the filename extension.

Query Syntax



Specifies the file name (including path and file name extension) for saving a function waveform (.wfmx) reporting file for an acquisition limit test. Use the :LTESt:ACQuire:SWAVeform:FUNCtion:STATe command to enable and disable waveform reporting for the channel. To enable or disable acquisition limit tests, use the :LTESt:ACQuire:STATe command. This command supports the DEFault common child command.

Do not include an extension when specifying the filename.

Default User Folder

User-Data Folders

The default folder for storing function waveform reporting files is in %USER_DATA_DIR%\Waveforms as shown in this picture. It is good practice to include a path substitution string with the filename. For example, %USER_DATA_DIR%\Waveforms\filename.

File names must include a path when using the child :FNAMe command. The :FNAMe command is not affected by a Default Setup or Factory Preset.

Specifying a path using a path substitution string in the filename ensures that the file will be saved in (or loaded from) the standard user-data folder. Failure to use a path substitution string may result either in a file created in an parent folder or a file error.

Example Command

:LTESt:ACQuire:SWAVeform:FUNCtion3:FNAMe "DUT132"