Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:MEASure:TDR:USER{1:8}:SOURce{1:2} {CHANnelN | DIFF{1:8}{A|C} | FUNCtion{1:16} | WMEMory{1:8}}

Where N identifies a specific channel and must be selected from {1:8}{A|B|C|D}. For example, 3C.


Selects the source waveforms on which to perform the USER measurement. If one source waveform is required, use :SOURce or :SOURce1. If two source waveforms are required, use :SOURce2. If an XML file was used to define the test, the test source waveforms are specified in the file's XML <SourceIndex> tag in combination with the Select Source dialog when the measurement is started.

Use the :MEASure:TDR:USER parent command to turn on the measurement and return the measured value.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.05.00 and above.