Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:MTEStN:X1 <time>

<time> is a double.

Where N identifies a specific mask and must be a value from 1 to 16 {1:16}. For example, :MTESt2: selects mask 2.

Query Syntax



Sets the position of the mask's left edge in time. If not specified in the mask file, the position is automatically set to the first eye crossing time. Changing the position value from a value specified in a mask disables the mask's alignment method (:MTESt:ALIGnment:X:METHod). Use the delta time command, :MTESt:XDELta, to set the mask's right edge (inverse of the data rate), if this value is not specified in the mask file. By default, the mask's right edge is located at the second eye-crossing time. This establishes the absolute shape of the mask width. Every standard mask has a predefined absolute width. These values can be specified in the mask file to any allowable time value.

This command defines where X=0 is located in the base coordinate system used for mask testing. The other X coordinate is defined by the :MTESt:XDELta command. Once the X1 and XDELta coordinates are set, all X values of vertices in region masks are defined with respect to this value, according to the equation:

X = (X)(XDELta) + X1

Thus, if you set X1 to 100 μs, and XDELta to 100 μs, an X value of .100 in a vertex is at 110 μs. FlexDCA uses this equation to normalize vertex values. This simplifies reprogramming to handle different data rates. For example, if you halve the period of the waveform of interest, you need only to adjust the XDELta value to set up the mask for the new waveform. The <x1_value> argument is a time value specifying the location of the X1 coordinate, which will then be treated as X=0 for region vertex coordinates.

The X1? query returns the mask's left edge in time (X1 marker). The X2? query returns the mask's right edge in time (X2 marker).