Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:MTEStN:Y{1:2} <amplitude>

<amplitude> is a double.

Where N identifies a specific mask and must be a value from 1 to 16 {1:16}. For example, :MTESt2: selects mask 2.

Query Syntax



Adjusts the Y-axis scaling of logic level one (:MTESt:Y2) and logic level zero (:MTESt:Y1). Use the :MTESt:YTRack command to apply logic-level tracking. The :Y1 version of this command defines where Y=0 (logic 0 level) in the coordinate system for mask testing and :Y2 defines where Y=1 (logic 1 level). All Y values of vertices in the coordinate system are defined with respect to the boundaries set by :Y1 and :Y2, according to the equation:

Y = (Y (Y2 − Y1)) + Y1

Thus, if you set Y1 to 100 mV, and Y2 to 1V, a Y value of .100 in a vertex is at 190 mV. The command argument is a voltage value specifying the point at which Y equals zero.