:RDCA Subsystem

Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Use the :RDCA (Remote DCA) subsystem commands to establish a Flex-on-Flex connection between a PC's N1010A FlexDCA and a DCA-X's FlexDCA. You can establish a Flex-on-Flex connection via LAN, USB, or GPIB. All N1000A DCA-X mainframes come with the GPIB card installed (opton GPI). With a Flex-on-Flex connection, your program is sending commands to the PC's N1010A FlexDCA and N1010A FlexDCA controls the DCA-X's FlexDCA. These commands are from the perspective of the PC's N1010A FlexDCA application. These settings correspond to those located on the FlexDCA Connection Setup dialog.

If you want to determine if a Flex-on-Flex connection has been made to a DCA-X and to break this connection if needed, use the commands that are in the :APPLication subsystem. The :APPLication subsystem commands are from the perspective of the DCA-X's FlexDCA.

Example Command Sequence

FlexDCA.write(':RDCA:CONNect:METhod LAN') # Use LAN rather than USB or GPIB
FlexDCA.write(':RDCA:CONNect:MODE STANdard') # Recommended connection method
FlexDCA.write(':RDCA:CONNect:ACTion TBSettings') # Select Standard connection options
FlexDCA.write(':RDCA:CONNect:TSETtings ON') # Pull state upon connect
FlexDCA.write(':RDCA:DISConnect:TSETtings ON') # Push state upon disconnect
FlexDCA.write(':RDCA:CONNect:HOST "K-86100D-20108"') # Specify VISA address
FlexDCA.query(':RDCA:CONNect;*OPC?') # Make connection

Example Command Sequence

FlexDCA.write(':RDCA:CONNect:METhod LAN') # Use LAN rather than USB or GPIB
FlexDCA.write(':RDCA:CONNect:HOST "K-86100D-20108"') # Specify VISA address
FlexDCA.query(':RDCA:CONNect;*OPC?') # Make connection