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Command Syntax

:TDR:DESKew:SCHannel CHANnel{N}

{N} identifies a specific channel and must be selected from {1:8}{A|B|C|D}. For example, 1A.

Query Syntax



Selects a TDR module's stimulus channel when performing a TDR fixture deskew under the following conditions:

  • Both a TDR module and an electrical module are used in the test setup. An example of an electrical module is the N1045A.
  • The DUT has multiple inputs (TDR stimulus channels).
  • TDT measurement is made.

In this situation, an additional step is required during the TDR calibration or when separately running the TDR fixture deskew wizard. One TDR stimulus channel must be selected to be used to deskew each TDT output channel. During the procedure, you will be instructed to connect the selected TDR stimulus channel using an adapter to the electrical module's channels. If your DUT has only one input port, there is only one possible TDR stimulus channel to select and this is done automatically for you. The following picture shows the TDR setup diagram of a single-ended 4-port device. Two TDR module channels are connected to ports 1 and 3 on the DUT. Two N1045A receiver channels are connected to ports 2 and 4 on the DUT.

Use this command to select either channel 1C or channel 1D to be used as the stimulus channel during the deskew of channels 2A and 2B. Use the :TDR:DESKew:STARt command to start the TDR Step Deskew Wizard.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.00 and above.