Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:
Command Syntax
:TRACeN:CWINdow {TPERcent{1:4} | TVOLts{1:4} | TOHMs{1:4} | MAGNitude{1:4} | PHASe{1:4} | GDELay{1:4}}
Where N identifies a specific trace and must be selected from 1 to 128 {1:128}.
Query Syntax
When multiple T-domain parameter or S-parameter traces are displayed in a content window, moves a trace to a content window of the same type. If the content window does not already exist, it will be created. For example, consider that an S21 trace from one DUT and an S21 from another DUT are both displayed in a Phase content window. The :CWINdow
command can be used to move one trace to an new second Phase content window. Up to four content windows of the same type can be created.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.00 and above.
Example Command Sequence
// Create Trace 1 (S21) from DUT 1. :TRACe1:DUT DUT1 :TRACe1:PARameter S2_1 :TRACe1:OPERator PHASe // Display in PHASe content window. :TRACe1:COLor TCOLor2 :TRACe1:DISPlay ON // Create Trace 2 (S21) from DUT 2. :TRACe2:DUT DUT2 :TRACe2:PARameter S2_1 :TRACe2:OPERator PHASe // Display in the same PHASe content window as Trace 1. :TRACe2:COLor TCOLor3 :TRACe2:DISPlay ON // Move Trace 2 to a new PHASe content window (number 2). :TRACe2:CWINdow PHASe2