
Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:WMEMoryN:YSCale <amplitude>

<amplitude> is a double.

Where N identifies one of eight {1:8} possible waveform memories. For example, :WMEMory4.

Query Syntax



Sets the vertical scale (sensitivity) stored for the selected waveform memory. This is volts-per-division for electrical waveforms and watts-per-division for optical waveforms. The vertical scale multiplied by eight gives the vertical range. The waveform's vertical scale may or may not be the same as FlexDCA's current setting. The vertical expansion and contraction is about the center offset value (:EMEMory:YOFFset) stored in eye memory and not at the ground reference. For optical channels, the offset is possitions to center the signal on the center graticule with vertical expansion and contraction about the center graticule.

The default value is 100 mV.

Common Numerical Child Commands

This command supports the use of the following common numerical child commands: :DEFault, :MAXimum, :MINimum, and :STEP.