Advanced Eye TJ

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The Advanced Eye TJ (Total Jitter) measurement uses the Select Measurement Settings dialog to configure the measurement. The Fix RJ field selects to perform jitter decomposition using an entered RJ Value that you have previously measured. This value of RJ is often measured using a shorter pattern. The Fix RJ and RJ Value fields can be configured from any of the advanced eye RJ, DJ, Jn, or TJ setup dialog boxes.

Changing the Fix RJ or RJ Value setting in any of the RJ, DJ, Jn, or TJ setup dialog boxes changes the setting in the remaining three dialog boxes.

Use the Measurement BER field to set the probability at which to measure TJ. The default value is 1.0 x 10–12. The entered value is shown with the measurement label in the displayed measurement results table.

Advanced eye leverages the DCA-X's ability to measure ultra-low levels of Random Jitter (RJ). This can be used to obtain fixed RJ values.

SCPI Command