Advanced Eye Setup

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The Advanced Eye Setup dialog allows you to configure advanced eye jitter and noise measurements. These are the same settings as are found in the Measurement Configuration tab of the PAM-N Analysis Setup dialog.

Receiver Sample Timing

This setting configures the timing for sampling the data. Use this setting to match the timing method used by a receiver. For signals with skewed eyes, measurements results will vary depending on this setting. This setting applies only to PAM4 measurements in Eye mode.

Receiver Sample Timing Setting Description
Based on Center Eye Sampling timing is based on the location of the center eye (labeled Eye 1/2 in the following picture). This is the default setting.
Independent Per Eye Sampling timing is independently based on the location of each of the three eyes.

Eye Center Location

This setting selects the basis for determining the location of an eye's center on the waveform. This setting applies only to PAM4 measurements in Eye mode.

Setting Description
Maximum Eye Width The eye's center is located at the eye's maximum width midway between the eye's inside left and right edges. This is the default setting.
Maximum Eye Height The eye's center is located at the eye's maximum height midway between the eye's inside top and bottom edges.

Eye Level Width

This setting defines the timespan over which an eye's amplitude level is measured. The timespan is specified as a percentage (from 1% to 25%) of the symbol period. The default setting is 10%. This setting applies only to PAM4 measurements in Eye mode

Time of Level

This setting specifies the method used to locate the time at which to measure an eye's level. This setting applies only to PAM4 measurements in Eye mode

Setting Description
Eye Center The time of a level is the average of the centers of the adjacent eyes. This is the default setting.
Minimum RMS The time is located within the eye's level width at the minimum level thickness (RMS values).

Time Units

This setting specifies the time units. This setting applies only to PAM4 measurements in Eye mode

Setting Description
Second Width and skew measurements are reported in seconds. This is the default setting.
Unit Interval Width and skew measurements are reported in unit intervals.

Amplitude Units

This setting specifies amplitude units. This setting applies to PAM4 measurements in Eye mode and Oscilloscope mode.

Setting Description
Amplitude Level and height measurements are reported in the current amplitude units: volts or Watts. This is the default setting.
Percent Level and height measurements are reported in percent.

Measurements Affected by dialog Settings in Eye Mode

PAM Measurement dialog Settings
Sample Timing
Eye Center
Eye Level
Time of
Symbol definitions. ♦ = setting affects measurement. ◊ = setting may affect measurement.
Level RMS
Level Skews
Eye Levels  
Eye Skews
Eye Heights  
Eye Widths