User-Defined Waveform Operators
User-Defined Measurements and User-Defined Operators require the Research and Development Package license or the N1010A-201 Advanced Waveform Analysis license.
Chord Operators
The following Chord operators are available for use with newer encoding formats.
User-Defined Waveform Operators
User-defined operators are custom operators that modify an input waveform. You create these operators using Python, MATLAB, or Compiled MATLAB. Like FlexDCA's standard operators, user operators filter an input waveform and display an output waveform. Two versions of the user operator are available: a single and a dual input waveform versions. To configure your operator, you first create a script and then a simple XML configuration file that points to your script. The XML file also creates different input fields on the User Operator Setup dialog.
To create a user-defined operator
- Write a MATLAB or Python script that creates your operator.
- Write an XML file that describes the operator and identifies the script.
- Import the XML file into the User Operator Setup dialog.
- Use the Waveform Signal Processing dialog box to select and assign a waveform to your operator.
It is possible to open the script file directly in the User Measurement Setup dialog without using an XML configuration file. However, without a configuration file you will not be able to initialize unique script variables or specify dependent FlexDCA measurements.
User operators can do much more than simply run the your script. You can setup the operator to customize your script at runtime. For example, you can initialize variables within your script and create up to four user-defined controls on the dialog. Values that you enter or select in user-defined controls are passed to your script. The following types of user-defined controls can be created with the picture showing integer, double, string, and drop-down list controls.
Click the Display Setup tab to control the output waveform's display properties such as scaling, color, and custom waveform name.
User Operators and User Defined Measurements are provided with the 86100D-201 or N1010A-201 Advanced Waveform Analysis license.
It is possible to open the script file directly in the User Operator Setup dialog without using an XML configuration file. However, without a configuration file you will not be able to specify variable values or setup user-defined controls.