De-embedding Fixture Components

Flex Apps:
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A Fixture Component models a test-setup component that has a non-connectorized port. Fixture Components are created in the Fixture De-embedding Setup pane of the TDR Setup dialog.

  • For fixtures with a non-connectorized port:
    • Click Launch AFR Wizard () to start FlexDCA's PLTS AFR. Or,
    • Drag an AFR Fixture Component symbol () to the Fixture De-embedding Setup diagram. This launches Quick AFR. Quick AFR characterizes the fixture, saves the Touchstone files, and automatically loads the Touchstone file into a new Fixture Component.

To create a new Fixture Component

Fixture Components represents a fixture that you want to de-embed. Up to 16 Fixture Components can be created and they are labeled "A" through "P". Once created, you drag a Fixture Component to the Fixture De-embedding Setup drawing that is located in the center of the dialog. You must characterize a fixture before you can create a Fixture Component. Characterization results in an S-parameter Touchstone file that is imported into the TDR Setup dialog to create a Fixture Component.

  1. If the Load From File button is not shown in the dialog's left-side panel, click the add new Fixture Component button.
  2. Make one of the following selections:
    • Click Load From File, and import the data from your Touchstone S-parameter file. This creates a new Fixture Component and labels it with the first available letter between "A" and "P". A total of 16 fixture components can be created. Or,
    • Click the AFR symbol to start Quick AFR. Quick AFR is an abbreviated version of Full AFR that offers a smaller set of options and automatically loads the created Touchstone fixture characterization file into the new Fixture Component.

To de-embed an Fixture Component

  1. Select an existing Fixture Component.
  2. Click the Details button to identify how the port data within the S-parameter file is ordered. Because the port ordering method can vary depending on the S-parameter file, use this command to allow FlexDCA to correctly interpret the S-parameters.
  3. Examples of Port Order of the Data for 4-Port Device
    Fixture Component Description
    Default port order.
    Alternate port order.
  4. Drag your Fixture Component to the setup diagram.
  5. To reverse the ports on a Fixture Component, click the gear icon.
  6. Click Back to DUT layout to close the Fixture De-Embedding Setup.