General Steps to De-embed a Device

Flex Apps:
Meas. mode:
Waveform type:
  1. If you already have a Touchstone S-parameter file for the component that you want to de-embed, skip this step. Otherwise do the following:
    1. Select a DUT Setup that represents the component that you want to de-embed. For example, to de-embed a probe select a 1-port DUT.
    2. Perform a TDR Calibration for the DUT Setup. Use 512 averages and select to create all available S-parameters.
    3. Use AFR to create a characterize the component and create a Touchstone S-parameter file.
    4. Remember the name of the Touchstone file.
    5. Verify that the Touchstone file is valid.
  2. Select a DUT Setup for the DUT on which you want to make TDR/TDT measurements.
  3. In the DUT Setup dialog, click on the De-Embed Fixture button.
  4. In the Fixture De-embedding Setup panel, for each unique device that you are de-embedding, import the S-parameter file that you created in Step 1 above to create a Fixture Component. The Fixture Component symbol represents the device that you want to de-embed.
  5. Drag your new Fixture Component onto the Fixture De-embedding Setup diagram to show its position in the test setup. For DUTs with multiple ports you may need to create multiple Fixture Components.
  6. Click the Back to DUT Layout button.
  7. Perform a TDR Calibration for the DUT Setup. Do not include any of the devices that you are going to de-embed.
  8. Select the Time Domain and S-Parameters that you want to view and close the TDR Setup dialog.
  9. Click Setup > Acquisition Setup. In the Smoothing tab, enter averaging with 16 or 32 waveforms.