Keysight Pathwave 89600 VSA .NET API
TraceCollection Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
Agilent.SA.Vsa.Interfaces Assembly > Agilent.SA.Vsa Namespace : TraceCollection Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by TraceCollection.

Public Properties

 NameDescriptionMinimum SW Version
Public PropertyCountGets the number of items in the collection. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableCollection<Trace>)
Public PropertyDataNameNoDataGets the 'No Data' DataName.  
Public PropertyDataNamesGets the list of all available DataNames.  
Public PropertyDataNamesDataRegisterGets the list of all data register DataNames.  
Public PropertyDataNamesGraphGets the list of all graph DataNames.  17.00
Public PropertyDataNamesMarkerGets the list of all marker DataNames.  
Public PropertyDataNamesMathGets the list of all math DataNames.  
Public PropertyDataNamesMeasurementsGets the list of all measurement DataNames for all measurements.  
Public PropertyDbmPreferredWhenAutoYUnitGets or sets a value indicating whether dBm is preferred when the Format is TraceFormatType.LogMagnitude, the Trace.YUnit = TraceYUnitType.Auto, and the underlying data can be expressed in power.  29.00
Public PropertyDefaultGraphResponseDataNameGets a value which is Graph.ResponseDataName when Graph.IsDataNamesAuto is true.  17.00
Public PropertyDefaultGraphStimulusDataNameGets a value which is Graph.StimulusDataName when Graph.IsDataNamesAuto is true.  17.00
Public PropertyFirstNotVisibleGets the first trace with Trace.IsVisible equal to False.  
Public PropertyIsAllPointsGets or sets a value indicating whether non-alias protected spectrum points are shown.  
Public PropertyIsAnnotationGets or sets a value indicating whether the text around the traces is visible.  
Public PropertyIsAnyLimitTestEnabledGets a value indicating whether a LimitTest is enabled on any trace.  15.00
Public PropertyIsArrangeWindowsAfterMeasurementPresetGets or sets a value indicating whether to ArrangeWindows after Measurement.Preset.  
Public PropertyIsAutoRemoveExtraGets or sets a value indicating whether arranging windows from the GUI will also RemoveExtra.  
Public PropertyIsCreateWindowPerMeasurementGets or sets a value indicating whether presetting traces causes a new trace window to be created for each measurement.  15.00
Public PropertyIsDisposedGets a value indicating whether the object has been disposed. If an object has been disposed any attempt to use it will lead to an ObjectDisposedException being thrown. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public PropertyIsGridGets or sets a value indicating whether the grid (graticule) of the traces are visible.  
Public PropertyIsPresetTracesForNewChannelConfigGets or sets a value indicating whether to preset traces after changing channel configuration.  
Public PropertyIsStepLinesPowerSpectrumGets or sets a value indicating whether Power Spectrum traces are drawn with stepped lines.  18.50
Public PropertyIsXCenterSpanGets or sets a value indicating whether all traces show X frequency annotation as center/span rather than start/stop.  
Public PropertyIsXCenterSpanPowerSpectrumGets or sets a value indicating whether all PowerSpectrum traces show X frequency annotation as center/span rather than start/stop.  18.50
Public PropertyItemOverloaded. Gets a list of the traces containing the specified DataName  
Public PropertyMinTraceCountGets or sets the minimum number of traces in the collection.  
Public PropertySelectedIndexGets or sets the 0-based index of the selected Trace.  
Public PropertySelectedItemGets or sets the selected Trace.  
Public PropertyValidGraphDataNamesGets the list of all DataNames that are valid to use as input to a Graph.  17.00
‡ This is the minimum 89600 VSA software version level needed to use this member.

Public Methods

 NameDescriptionMinimum SW Version
Public MethodArrangeWindowsOverloaded. Arranges the trace windows on the display.  
Public MethodCopyMarkersToClipboardCopy the text in the marker window to the clipboard.  
Public MethodCreateOverloaded. Create a new trace and add it to the end of the Trace collection.  
Public MethodCreateObjRefCreates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodDataNamesMeasurementGets the list of all measurement DataNames for the specified measurement.  
Public MethodDefaultDataNamesMeasurementGets the list of all default measurement DataNames for the specified measurement.  
Public MethodForceRebuildKeyMapThis method is used to force a refresh of the key map. This is necessary in cases where the key mappings to the API objects change. This can happen when the index of an item within a collection is reflected in the key name, and an item is removed from the middle of a collection. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public MethodGetDataNamesEventBasedActionsGets the list of global (not found in DataNamesMeasurements) DataNames related to Keysight.SA.Vsa.EventBasedActions, including Trend/Stats.  28.00
Public MethodGetEnumeratorGets an enumerator for the collection. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableCollection<Trace>)
Public MethodGetLifetimeServiceRetrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from System.MarshalByRefObject)
Public MethodIndexOfOverloaded. Gets the index location of the specified item within the collection. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableCollection<Trace>)
Public MethodInitializeLifetimeServiceObtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public MethodRemoveExtraRemove traces from the end of the collection that have "No Data" and are hidden.  
Public MethodRemoveLastOverloaded. Remove the last trace from the trace collection.  
Public MethodSizeWindowsResize the trace windows so they are the same size  
‡ This is the minimum 89600 VSA software version level needed to use this member.

Public Events

 NameDescriptionMinimum SW Version
Public EventCollectionChangedOccurs when an item is added, removed, changed, moved, or the entire list is refreshed. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableCollection<Trace>)
Public EventPropertyChangedOccurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public EventPropertyInfoChangedOccurs when secondary information about a property, such as limits, changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public EventRemoteCollectionChangedOccurs when an item is added, removed, changed, moved, or the entire list is refreshed. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableCollection<Trace>)14.00
Public EventRemotePropertyChangedOccurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)
Public EventRemotePropertyInfoChangedOccurs when secondary information about a property, such as limits, changes. (Inherited from Agilent.SA.Vsa.RemotableObject)14.00
‡ This is the minimum 89600 VSA software version level needed to use this member.

See Also