UXR Scope
Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:CHANnel{1:8}{A|B|C|D}:RTSCope:TRACk {ON | OFF}

Where the required specifier {1:8}{A|B|C|D} identifies a channel by its module slot number and channel letter. For example, channel 3C (CHANnel3C).

The channel specifier will fail if it does not include a slot number. If instead the suffix's channel letter is missing, the command defaults to letter A. As a result, the best practice is to always explicitly specify the channel by including both the module slot number and channel letter.

Query Syntax



Enables or disables the use of shared software clock recovery settings that are applied to all FlexRT channel input waveforms. Shared settings are made in the :TIMebase subsystem using the:TIMebase:SCRecovery SCPI node. For example,:TIMebase:SCRecovery:STATe.

When you disable shared software clock recovery settings with the :CHANnel:RTSCope:TRACk command, use the commands in the following SCPI nodes to configure unique setting for a specific channel waveform:

  • :CHANnel:RTSCope commands
  • :CHANnel:SCRecovery commands

Start with the :CHANnel:SCRecovery:STATe command to turn on or off software clock recovery.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.06.70 and above.

Example Command