
Meas. mode:
Waveform type:
Flex Apps:

Query Syntax


Where N identifies the slot number and must be selected from {1:8}. The slot number is associated with the N1060A, N1076A/B, N1077A, N1078A, or 86108B module with Option JSA. When an 86108B module is used, the slot number is always 1.


Queries a comma-separated ASCII list of the JSA spectrum peaks that are listed in the JSA Results panel. As the JSA Results panel lists only the peaks that are within the band limiting, so this query only returns the peaks within the band limiting. However, the JSA graph shows all of the peaks even those outside of the band limiting. To return all of the peaks including those outside of the band limiting, use the :CRECovery1:JSANalysis:SPECtrum:PEAKs:ALL? query.

For each peak, a comma-separated frequency and magnitude pair is returned. Use the :CRECovery1:JSANalysis:INTegrate:F command to define the band limiting. The returned list is in the following form:

<frequency>,<magnitude>,<frequency>,<magnitude>,<frequency>,<magnitude>, …

The list is always returned starting with the lowest-frequency peak and ending with the highest-frequency peak, regardless of the peak order shown in the JSA Results panel. To turn on Jitter Spectrum Analysis (JSA), use the :CRECovery1:JSANalysis:ACQuire command

Requires FlexDCA revision A.01.80 and above.

Requires a clock-recovery module that has Option JSA (Jitter Spectrum Analysis and SW Clock Recovery Emulation).

Command Compatibility

  • N1060A Option JSA
  • 86108A/B Option JSA
  • N107X-series Option JSA

Child Commands

Parent Command