Command Syntax
Saves a Documentation Wizard zip file that includes all the information needed to archive a particular instrument configuration with waveforms and measurement results. Use the :DISK:DWIZard:FNAMe
command to name the file and path. The file name extension is .zip. The default filename is DocumentationResults with the current date and an incremented index number appended:
The default folder for saving images is the \Documentation Results user folder.
To select specific items for saving in the documentation wizard file refer to the Documentation Wizard introduction. The Document Wizard file can never include all possible information selections, as most options are only available under specific instrument settings or modes. For example, in TDR/TDR mode the Documentation Wizard never shows the option of saving Jitter mode's Jitter Window Data.
To assign the saving of a documentation wizard file to FlexDCA's Multi-Purpose button, use the :SYSTem:MPButton:FUNCtion
Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.50 and above.
Use of an *OPC?
query to pause program execution while waiting for this command to execute.
:DISK:DWIZard:SSCReen ON :DISK:DWIZard:SSETup ON :DISK:DWIZard:SSINfo OFF :DISK:DWIZard:RESults:SDATa ON :DISK:DWIZard:FNAMe "%USER_DATA_DIR%\Documentation Results\DocumentationResults_PAM4.zip" :DISK:DWIZard:SAVe *OPC?