N1091BSCB IEEE 802.3bs/cd Application
The N1091BSCB IEEE 802.3bs/cd measurement application characterizes IEEE 50/100/200/400 Gb/s Electrical TX Designs using an N1000A or N109X DCA-M oscilloscope. The N1091BSCA covers PAM4 and NRZ transmitter measurements outlined in IEEE 802.3bs and IEEE 802.3cd specifications. The tests are sorted conveniently by clause.
The N1091BSCB software requires that N1010100A, or N1010A-200/201/9FP (Jitter Analysis/Advanced Waveform Analysis/PAM4 Analysis), also be licensed on the platform. N1010100A SW license also allows users to perform optional features such as de-embedding of cables/fixtures. Alternatively, users may also install N1000A/N1010A-SIM InfiniiSim Waveform Transformation Toolset licenses to enable de-embedding on an DCA-X/DCA-M platform.
Free trial licenses are available for the application. Go to keysight.com, search for the application's model number, and click on the Trials & Licenses tab.