N109310CA SFF-8431 (SFP+) Application


The N109310CA application is a compliance and debug application for N1000A and N109X DCA-M Oscilloscopes. The greatly increased worldwide demand for video and data transfer has created new requirements for network expansion, driving innovative network elements for operation up to 100 Gb/s. New designs are facing more challenges while transferring these signals on printed circuit boards within hosts and modules, even for short distances. Measuring the SFF-8431 parameters can take a full day when manually characterized, and recalculating factors and equation-driven limits adds to the time the designer spends on testing.

Keysight Technologies Inc. created the N109310CA SFF-8431 Compliance and Debug Application to simplify measuring these transmitter parameters and to obtain full results to test limits in a few minutes. This will keep you focused on getting your products to market knowing that your results are built on the heritage and consistency of Keysight measurement technology.

The N109310CA SFF-8431 Compliance and Debug Application covers all host and module transmitter tests as well as verification of the test signals for receiver compliance. Click on the desired test group, and the appropriate tests are offered in Select Tests.

The N109310CA software requires that the N1010100A R&D Package (or equivalent legacy licenses) be licensed on the platform.


Free trial licenses are available for the application. Go to keysight.com, search for the application's model number, and click on the Trials & Licenses tab.