N109256CB OIF-CEI-4.0 Application


Use the N109256CA OIF-CEI 4.0 measurement and debug application to characterize CEI-56G-VSR/MR/LR Electrical TX Designs using N1000A DCA-X or N109X-series DCA-M Oscilloscopes.

The Keysight N109256CA OIF-CEI CEI CEI 4.0 software is a measurement application for the DCA-X/DCA-M equivalent-time sampling oscilloscopes designed to save you time and money by automating the task of performing PAM4 and NRZ transmitter (TX) test measurements.

Several industry and standards bodies have adopted pulse amplitude modulation 4-level (PAM4) technology to increase throughput within a given bandwidth compared to Non-Return-to-Zero (NRZ) technology. As an example, an implementation agreement (IA) developed by the Optical Internetworking Forum - Common Electrical Interface (OIF-CEI) defines 56 Gb/s operation in OIF-CEI 4.0 using 26/28 PAM4 signaling (CEI-56G-VSR/MR/LR).

The Keysight N109256CA OIF-CEI 4.0 software is a measurement application for the DCA-X/DCA-M equivalent-time sampling oscilloscopes designed to save you time and money by automating the task of performing PAM4 and NRZ transmitter (TX) test measurements.

The N109256CA software requires that N1010100A or N1010A-200/201/9FP (Jitter Analysis/Advanced Waveform Analysis/PAM4 Analysis), also be licensed on the platform.


Free trial licenses are available for the application. Go to keysight.com, search for the application's model number, and click on the Trials & Licenses tab.