N1091CKCA IEEE 802.3ck Electrical TX Test Application


The N1091CKCA IEEE 802.3ck measurement application characterizes IEEE 100/200/400 Gb/s Electrical TX Designs using an N1000A DCA-X oscilloscope and N107x-series clock recovery DCA-M modules. N1091CKCA covers 53 Gbaud PAM4 transmitter measurement outlined in IEEE 802.3ck specifications. The test are sorted conveniently by clause:

  • 100GAUI-1, 200GAUI-2 and 400GAUI-4 Chip-to-Chip (C2C) TX characteristics
  • 100GAUI-1, 200GAUI-2 and 400GAUI-4 Chip-to-Module (C2M) host/module output characteristics
  • Transmitter characteristics, 100GBASE-CR1, 200GBASE-CR-2, and 400GBASE-CR4
  • Transmitter characteristics, 100GBASE-KR1, 200GBASE-KR-2, and 400GBASE-KR4

Key Measurements

  • Jitter Measurements including Jnu, JRMS, and EOJ on “12-edges” of a PRBS13Q
  • Output Waveform measurements including Steady-State Voltage (Vf), Linear Fit Pulse Peak and Signal-to-Noise-and-Distortion (SNDR)
  • Transition Time
  • Eye Width, Eye Height and Vertical Eye Closure
  • Effective Return Loss

The N1091CKCA software requires that N1010100A (R&D Package) be licensed on the platform. N1010100A SW license also allows users to perform optional features such as de-embedding of cables/fixtures. Alternatively, users may also install N1010A-SIM InfniiSIM Waveform transformation Toolset licenses to enable de-embedding on an DCA-X platform.


Free trial licenses are available for the application. Go to keysight.com, search for the application's model number, and click on the Trials & Licenses tab.