N109212CA OIF-CEI-112G Application
The N109212CA OIF-CEI-112G TX test application covers PAM4 transmitter measurements outlined in clauses 112G-VSR/MR/LR of OIF-CEI-112G (PAM4). The tests are sorted conveniently by clause. The N109212CA application supports a variety of digital communication analyzer (DCA) oscilloscope configurations, including the N1000A DCA-X wide-bandwidth oscilloscope platform, N1060A precision waveform analyzer or the N104X 2/4 port remote heads and DCA-M family clock data recovery module.
The N1091CKCA software requires that N1010100A (R&D Package) be licensed on the platform.
Free trial licenses are available for the application. Go to keysight.com, search for the application's model number, and click on the Trials & Licenses tab.