J2, J5, and J9 Result

Meas. mode:
Waveform type:

Click the Measurement (Meas) toolbar's Jn to activate Jitter mode's Jn measurement. This measurement is the total jitter associated with a specific symbol error ratio (BER). This measurement is only available with the FlexDCA application and is not available using the standard 86100D user interface.

Measurement BER Selections
Argument Measurement BER Associated with TJ
J1 2.5 x 10−2
J2 2.5 x 10−3
J3 2.5 x 10−4
J4 2.5 x 10−5
J5 2.5 x 10−6
J6 2.5 x 10−7
J7 2.5 x 10−8
J8 2.5 x 10−9
J9 2.5 x 10–10

If Advanced Eye Analysis (option 401) is installed, you can perform J2, J5, and J9 on patterns longer than PRBS16, such as PRBS31, using Advanced Eye Analysis.

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SCPI Command