FlexDCA Connection Setup Dialog

Use this dialog to establish a connection from N1010A FlexDCA on a PC to FlexDCA on a DCA-X oscilloscope.

Click Setup > DCA Connection Setup to open the dialog.

Connect Using

Select a connection via the LAN, GPIB, or USB to the DCA-X. Most users prefer a LAN connection so this is the default setting. For GPIB, you can use a USB-to-GPIB adapter or install a GPIB card in the PC.


Hostname is the computer name of the DCA-X or its IP address. On the DCA-X, click Help > About and scoll down to the end of the list to locate the computer name.


Enter the SICL Interface and GPIB Address for the DCA-X.

USB Device field (USB connection)

FlexDCA autodetects the DCA-X when the USB cable is connected. The identification string includes the DCA-X's serial number. Although the DCA-X displays Under Remote Control, control is reserved and you must click the dialog's Connect button to establish full control.

On Connect / Disconnect

Pull State from Instrument on Connect: When Connect is clicked, the instrument state of FlexDCA on the DCA-X is copied to N1010A FlexDCA on the PC.

Push State to Instrument on Disconnect: When Connect is clicked, the current state of N1010A FlexDCA on the PC is copied to the FlexDCA on the DCA-X.

Click Connect to make the connection. When the connection is made, the DCA-X's display and front-panel keys are locked and do not respond to user input. The connection status icon displayed in the menu bar shows the connection status.

N1010A Connection Status Icons
Icon Description
FlexDCA is not connected to DCA-X
FlexDCA is connected to DCA-X