FlexDCA Ecosystem
The following picture illustrates the FlexDCA ecosystem where a wide variety of connections and setups are possible. When N1010A FlexDCA is installed on a PC, you can connect to an N1000A DCA-X oscilloscope via LAN and to DCA-M modules via USB. FlexDCA can also control specific Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG) or an Infiniium UXR oscilloscope. FlexDCA even includes a collection of simulated modules. The FlexDCA application provides a common base code which ensures that the measurement algorithms are identical on the N1000A, DCA-M modules, and N1010A FlexDCA on a PC.
FlexDCA has four measurement modes
- Oscilloscope mode (single-values waveforms)
- Eye/Mask mode (multi-valued waveforms)
- Jitter mode (jitter and interference)
- TDR/TDT (N1055A and 54754A TDR modules)
Connect to and control extended hardware
- Install a large selection of modules into DCA-X mainframes.
- DCA-M modules
- UXR-Series Oscilloscopes for FlexRT
- Keysight Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG)
- Optical Switches (Keysight and others)
When N1010A FlexDCA is installed on a PC
- Use the same GUI and help system as N1000A.
- Use offline with simulated modules and waveforms as well as saved waveforms.
- Create a Flex-on-Flex connection to a DCA-X via the LAN. N1010A controls the DCA-X while displaying DCA-X's live waveforms on the PC.
- Ability to connect to and process waveforms from a Keysight UXR-series oscilloscope when FlexDCA is running in FlexRT.
Remote control via SCPI
- Remote programs can control any of the FlexDCA applications with little or no modification. Refer to the FlexDCA Programmers' Help. In FlexDCA, click Help > Programmer's Guide.
- Example Python scripts are available in the FlexDCA Programmer's Help. Instruction videos are available on YouTube.