Available Error Summary Data (802.15.4 HRP UWB)
The following table lists the available error summary results for 802.15.4 HRP UWB analysis.
- Freq Err - Average carrier frequency error (Hz and ppm)
- SYNC Power - Average power of the SYNC portion of the 802.15.4 HRP UWB signal
- Time Offset - Offset from the trigger point (0 ms in Raw Main Time) to the beginning of the frame
- RMARKER - Location of the first chip after the SFD
- RIF-RMARKER - Location of the first chip of the first RIF after the SFD
- RIF-RMARKER' - Location of the last chip of the first RIF after the SFD
- RSF-RMARKER - Location of the first chip of the first RSF when RSF > 0
- Chip Clk Err - Error between standard chip clock (499.2 MHz) and signal chip clock
- Main Lobe Pk - Amplitude of peak lobe (%)
- Main Lobe Width - Width of main lobe
- Side Lobe Pk - Amplitude of highest sidelobe (%)
- Side Lobe Pk Loc - Location of highest sidelobe relative to main lobe
___________________________________________________ - Min Main Lobe Width – PASS/FAIL of the minimum main lobe width requirement
- Max Side Lobe – PASS/FAIL of the maximum sidelobe height requirement
- Pulse Monotonic Increase – Indicates monotonic increase in pulse shape
___________________________________________________ - NRMSE – NRMSE computed and averaged over the whole frame
- SHR NRMSE – NRMSE computed and averaged over the SHR part of the frame
- Data NRMSE – NRMSE computed and averaged over the Data part of the frame
- STS NRMSE – NRMSE computed and averaged over the STS part of the frame
- RSF NRMSE – NRMSE computed and averaged over the RSF part of the frame
- RIF NRMSE – NRMSE computed and averaged over the RIF part of the frame
___________________________________________________ - SHR Avg Power - Average Synchronization Header (SHR) power
- SHR Peak Power - Peak Synchronization Header (SHR) power
- Data Avg Power - Average data (PHR+Payload) power
- Data Peak Power - Peak data (PHR+Payload) sample power
- STS Avg Power - Average Scrambled Timestamp Sequence (STS) power
- STS Peak Power - Peak Scrambled Timestamp Sequence (STS) power
- RSF Avg Power - Average Ranging Sequence Fragment (RSF) power
- RSF Peak Power - Peak Ranging Sequence Fragment (RSF) power
- RIF Avg Power - Average Ranging Integrity Fragment (RIF) power
- RIF Peak Power - Peak Ranging Integrity Fragment (RIF) power
___________________________________________________ - SHR Avg Pulse Amplitude - Average SHR pulse amplitude
- PHR Avg Pulse Amplitude - Average PHR pulse amplitude
- PSDU Avg Pulse Amplitude - Average PSDU pulse amplitude
- STS Avg Pulse Amplitude - Average STS pulse amplitude
- RSF Avg Pulse Amplitude - Average RSF pulse amplitude
- RIF Avg Pulse Amplitude - Average RIF pulse amplitude
See Also