Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax


Where N identifies the common-mode waveform, which must be selected from {1:8}{A|C}. For example, the waveform of channels 1A and 2A would be identified as CMODe1A.

Query Syntax



The :CMODe:CWINdow command allows you to assign a common-mode waveform to a Waveform content window.

Currently, there is only one Waveform content window, so you will not need to use this command.

In future revisions, the :CMODe:CWINdow command will select a Waveform content window in which to display a common-mode channel waveform. In FlexDCA, several different types of content windows exist. Common-mode channel waveforms can only be displayed in a Waveform (TIMe1) content window of which there is currently only one available. This command is provided for future use when more than one Waveform content window is available for use.

Command Arguments and Content Windows
Argument Displayed Waveform
Content Window
Number of
Available Windows
Scale Units
Programmatically Via
Front Panel
TIMe1 Waveform 1 1 Y-Axis: Volts or Watts (linear scale)
X-Axis: seconds

Requires TDR/TDT mode. Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.00 and above.