Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:CMODeN:UDEFined:TOP <amplitude>

<amplitude> is a double.

Where N identifies the common-mode waveform, which must be selected from {1:8}{A|C}. For example, the waveform of channels 1A and 2A would be identified as CMODe1A.

Query Syntax



For the indicated channel, sets or queries the custom top-level setting. The top and base levels are used to locate a waveform's lower, middle, and upper threshold levels during measurements. Specify the level in volts or Watts depending on the waveform type. Use :CMODe{1:4}:UDEFined:BASe to set or query a custom base level.

Before this custom top level can be applied to measurements, use the :MEASure:TBASe:METHod command to select custom top-base definitions.

Requires TDR/TDT mode. Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.00 and above.

Example Command Sequence

:CMODe1A:UDEFined:BASe -125E-3
:CMODe1A:UDEFined:TOP 125E-3