Flex Apps:
Meas. mode:
Waveform type:

Command Syntax

:CMODe{1:8}{A|C}:SIGNal:TYPE {UNSPecified | NRZ | PAM4}

Where the required specifier {1:8}{A|C} identifies the common-mode channel by its module slot and channel letter. For example, the common-mode waveform of channels 1A and 1B would be identified as 1A.

The channel specifier will fail if it does not include a slot number. If instead the suffix's channel letter is missing, the command defaults to letter A. As a result, the best practice is to always explicitly specify the channel by including both the module slot number and channel letter.

Query Syntax



Manually sets a common-mode channel's signal type when automatic detection is turned off (:SIGNal:TYPE:AUTO). This can be useful if the waveform is too degraded to automatically detect its type.

By default, automatic detection is turned on and is performed as part of an autoscale (:SYSTem:AUToscale). Automatic detection can also be manually run using the :SYSTem:STAutodetect command. This has the advantage of detecting the signal type without performing scaling. After automatic signal detection, use the :CMODe:SIGNal:TYPE? query to return the actual signal type that was detected.

A waveform can be detected as NRZ formatted data, or PAM4 formatted data. The default signal type is Unspecified. Sending this command with automatic detection turned on results in a settings conflict error.

Example Command Sequence


The PAM4 argument is only available if options 9FP or 9TP PAM-N Analysis software license is installed.

Requires TDR/TDT mode. Requires FlexDCA revision A.04.50 and above.

Example Command