Command Syntax
:FUNCtion{1:64}:OPERand{1:6} {CHAN{N} | DIFF{1:4} | WMEMory{1:8} | CONStant{1:16}}
Where the {1:64} specifier identifies one of sixty four math functions that you can create. For example, :FUNCtion2
Query Syntax
Assigns a source as an operand to the indicated function. Operands can be channels, differential channels, waveform memories, and constants. Constants can be applied to only one input of the add, subtract, multiply, or versus functions. If a function only accepts one operand, identify the operand in the command string as shown in the following examples:
:FUNCtion1:OPERand :FUNCtion1:OPERand1
If the function takes a second operand, identify the second operand as:
Operand 1 is always the function's top-most operand in waveform signal processing diagrams.
Example Command Sequence
The following lines of code create the CNRZ5 operator shown in this picture. The first line creates the CNRZ5 operator and assigns 5 as it's primary function number. You can assign any available ID numbers to the primary and secondary outputs and the ID numbers do not need to be consecutive. The colors in the example commands help to identify function numbers, input memories (operands), and function output waveforms shown in the following figure.

:FUNCtion5:FOPerator CNRZ5 // Create the operator :FUNCtion5:SECondary2 FUNCtion6 // Assign F6 :FUNCtion5:SECondary3 FUNCtion7 // Assign F7 :FUNCtion5:SECondary4 FUNCtion8 // Assign F8 :FUNCtion5:SECondary5 FUNCtion9 // Assign F9 :FUNCtion5:OPERand1 WMEMory1 // Assign M1 :FUNCtion5:OPERand2 WMEMory2 // Assign M2 :FUNCtion5:OPERand3 WMEMory3 // Assign M3 :FUNCtion5:OPERand4 WMEMory4 // Assign M4 :FUNCtion5:OPERand5 WMEMory5 // Assign M5 :FUNCtion5:OPERand6 WMEMory6 // Assign M6 :FUNCtion5:COLor TCOLor14; :FUNCtion5:DISPlay ON; // Display output function waveforms :FUNCtion6:COLor TCOLor2; :FUNCtion6:DISPlay ON; :FUNCtion7:COLor TCOLor9; :FUNCtion7:DISPlay ON; :FUNCtion8:COLor TCOLor12; :FUNCtion8:DISPlay ON; :FUNCtion9:COLor TCOLor6; :FUNCtion9:DISPlay ON;