Command Syntax
:FUNCtion{1:64}:SOPerator{2:5} [NONE | CTLequalizer | FFEQualizer | TEQualizer | DFEQualizer]
Where the {1:64} specifier identifies one of sixty four math functions that you can create. For example, :FUNCtion2
Where {2:5} identifies one of four inner secondary operators in the Reference Receiver operator.
Query Syntax

Assigns an secondary operator to a Reference Receiver (Rx) operator. The Reference Receiver operator is unique in that you can assign the secondary operators CTLE, Linear Equalizer, and Non-Linear Equalizer. The following figure shows three secondary operators assigned to a Reference Receiver in the Reference Receiver Setup dialog. You can also remove any or all of the three secondary operators. The following table shows which operators can be assigned to each secondary operator.
Operator Position |
Available Operator Type |
Command To | |
Install Operator | Remove Operator | ||
First | CTLE Equalizer | :FUNCtion:SOPerator2 CTLequalizer
:FUNCtion:SOPerator2 NONE
Middle | TDECQ Equalizer | :FUNCtion:SOPerator3 TEQualizer
:FUNCtion:SOPerator3 NONE
Linear Equalizer | :FUNCtion:SOPerator3 FFEQualizer
Last | DFE | :FUNCtion:SOPerator4 DFEQualizer
:FUNCtion:SOPerator4 NONE
If you want to assign or change a secondary operator's function identification number, use the
Requires FlexDCA revision A.07.80 and above.
Example Command Sequence
The following lines of code create the Reference Receiver operator as shown in the above picture and in the picture below. The first line creates the operator and assigns 5 as it's output function number. You can assign any available ID numbers to the primary and secondary outputs and the ID numbers do not need to be consecutive.

:FUNCtion2:FOPerator RRX // Create the operator :FUNCtion2:SOPerator2 CTLequalizer // Assign inner CTLE secondary operator :FUNCtion2:SOPerator3 FFEQualizer // Assign inner Linear Equalizer secondary operator :FUNCtion2:SOPerator4 DFEQualizer // Assign inner Non-Linear Equalizer secondary operator :FUNCtion2:COLor TCOLor14 // Assign colors and display function waveforms :FUNCtion2:DISPlay ON :FUNCtion3:COLor TCOLor6 :FUNCtion3:DISPlay ON :FUNCtion4:COLor TCOLor4 :FUNCtion4:DISPlay ON :FUNCtion5:COLor TCOLor5 :FUNCtion5:DISPlay ON :SPRocess2:CTLequalizer:POLe2 1.700E+10 :SPRocess2:RRX:PNOise:BANDwidth:AUTo OFF :SPRocess2:RRX:RPOint ASOP2