
Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:JSAMemory:RJCorrection {ON | OFF}

Query Syntax



Turns Jitter mode's CRE Jitter Optimization on and off. Jitter optimization applies the contribution of JSA's emulated clock-recovery PLL to the standard Jitter-mode RJ measurement. In the Jitter results panel, an asterisk (*) shown next to the RJ (rms) results indicates that the optimization is being applied.

CRE Jitter Optimization is only available if, at the time when the corresponding jitter data file was saved, JSA was turned on in Jitter mode, the JSA Embedded spectrum was selected, and Jitter mode optimization was enabled by using one of the following three methods:

  • Sending the :CRECovery:JSANalysis:RJCorrection command.
  • Clicking the JSA toolbar's Jitter Optimization button.
  • Opening the Jitter Mode Measurement Setup dialob box's Advanced tab, and selecting Enable CRE Jitter Optimization.

JSA requires an 86108A/B module with Option JSA. To use JSA in Jitter Mode, 86100D Option 200 Enhanced Jitter Analysis or N1010A Option 200 Enhanced Jitter Analysis is required.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.02.50 and above.