Command Syntax
:MEASure:TDEC:MRUN:ZERO <number of zeros>
<number of zeros> is an integer from 5 to 1024.
Query Syntax
Enters the minimum number of consecutive NRZ level zero UIs that can be used for measuring TDEC. The setting can range from 5 to 1024 with the default number of 72. Use the :MEASure:TDEC:MRUN:ONE
command to specify the minimum number of consecutive NRZ level one UIs. If the runs are shorter, the measurement is marked a questionable (a "?" character annotates the measurement's results) and the :MEASure:EYE:TDEC:STATus?
query returns QUES
The level measurement length setting (:MEASure:TDEC:LMLength
command) must fit within the specified minimum allowed level runs.
This command is equivalent to the Minimum Zero Level Run setting which is located in the Configure Measurements dialog's TDEC/VECP tab.
Requires FlexDCA revision A.07.50 and above.