
Meas. mode:
Flex Apps:

Command Syntax

:SPRocessN:RANDom:NOISe:SPECtrum {BLIMit | WHITe}

Where N identifies one of up to 64 possible operators {1:64} that can be defined as part of a math function. The operators are numbered in the order that they were originally added to the function.

Query Syntax



Selects the type of random noise applied by the Random operator to be either band limited (BLIMit) or white (WHITe) noise.

White Noise Selected

When WHITe is selected, use the :SPRocess:RANDom:NOISe:RMS command to set the RMS noise magnitude. This is the only command needed to configure a white noise spectrum.

Bandwidth Limited Selected

When BLIMit is selected, you can configure the noise units (spectral density or RMS) and magnitude as well as whether the noise BW tracks the input spectrum or has a Gaussian Response. To select the noise units, send the :SPRocess:RANDom:NOISe:UNITs command and, depending on this selection, specify the magnitude using either the :SPRocess:RANDom:NOISe:RMS or :SPRocess:RANDom:SDENsity commands.

Regardless of the noise units selected, you can specify that the noise BW  tracks the input spectrum or has a Gaussian Response using the :SPRocess:RANDom:NOISe:BANDwidth:AUTo command. If you select a Gaussian response, use the :SPRocess:RANDom:NOISe:BANDwidth command to enter the 3 dB BW.

Requires FlexDCA revision A.06.60 and above.