
Messages provide information about the status of the instrument or an action that has been performed (for example, Calibration is complete). Messages also appear to inform you of errors that may have occurred. Instrument messages are:

  • Displayed in the Message Area, which is located at the bottom of the display.
  • Listed in the Message Log Viewer dialog. Click Help > View Message Log.
  • Many of the messages can also be remotely queried using the :SYSTem:ERRor:NEXT? command.
Displayed Message Type Icons
Icon Description
Operational error messages indicate instrument hardware or software failures. This type of message will remain on the display until the error condition is corrected.
Advisory messages allow you to take a recommended action. This type of message indicates if an operation did not complete or was cancelled.
Informational messages provide instrument status messages. No action is required.
Message Shown on FlexDCA

If the Message Area is not displayed, click Setup > Display Setup to open the Display Setup dialog. Select the Appearance tab and select Dock Message Area.


Error Messages. Returned over SCPI with :SYSTem:ERRor:NEXT?
Number Message
XXX A generic message (negative number series) has been reported by the SCPI parser: {0}
1 Could not receive from socket
2 Could not send to socket
3 {0} is not a valid choice
10 {0} is at limit
11 {0} is set to limit: Entry was out of range
12 {0} entry was not a valid selection
13 {0} is disabled
14 The operation was not completed. The instrument is busy or not responding.
15 {0} entry was limited to {1} characters
16 Invalid character(s) removed from {0} entry
17 ".{0}" is not a valid extension for {1}. Using extension ".{2}".
18 Invalid file name: {0}
19 {0} must have at least {1} values
20 {0} cannot have more than {1} values
30 Unable to read from signal {0}.
31 Unable to write to signal {0}.
40 {0} has recovered from an unexpected software problem.
41 {0} is busy or not responding.
42 Out of memory. Restart the application as soon as possible.
43 Insufficient memory to process {0}. Reduce the record length or turn off some signals.
44 This feature is not supported.
45 Unable to access the clipboard.
46 {0} Restart the application as soon as possible.
47 "Ensure that the application is displayed in the active window before performing a screen capture..
50 Characterizing Edges... {0}%
51 Unable to Characterize Edges: {0}
52 Unable to Characterize Pattern: {0}
53 Defined lead/lag CID ({0}:{1}) not found for all symbol levels in pattern. Using closest ({2}:{3}).
54 Parameter changed: Perform Auto Scale to resume measurements
55 Jitter measurements cannot be performed {0}
56 Unable to find any suitable edges on which to measure RJ/PJ.
57 Characterizing Pattern...
58 Characterizing Uncorrelated Jitter... {0}%
59 Unable to find any suitable one/zero levels on which to measure RN/PI.
60 Please provide a item triggercount or correct the pattern lock parameters.
61 Acquisition stopped. {0} limit reached.
62 Acquisition timed out. Please provide a suitable trigger signal{0}.
70 Hardware Failure: {0}
71 The module in {0} is not supported. {1}
72 The {0} module has inconsistent or corrupt contents. Please try removing and reinserting the module.
73 Unable to determine the module's slot. The USB instance ID {0} was not recognized.
74 The {0} module must occupy the leftmost or rightmost position of the module bay.
75 The {0} module requires firmware version {1} or later
76 Initialization Failure: {0}
77 Calibration factor "{0}" was not recognized.
78 Unable to access probe definitions directory.
79 The {0} module requires FlexDCA Compatibility Mode.
80 Incompatible file: Cannot load {0} into {1}.
81 Unable to digitally sign exported data: {0}
82 {0}: {1}
83 Unknown file format or version.
84 Unable to save: {0}
85 Unable to load due to insufficient memory.
86 A serious problem has occurred while loading/saving a memory.
87 File is corrupt: {0}
88 The file specifies clock times that are not monotonically increasing.
90 Invalid measurement detected.
91 {0} is not a recognized measurement.
92 The {0} measurement is not specified correctly.
93 Please turn on a valid source for the {0} measurement.
94 Screen too small: FlexDCA has been scaled to fit this screen.
95 Custom DPI scaling detected ({0}%): {1}
96 {0} requires an optical signal.
97 {0} is not currently available.
98 Clock recovery lost lock.
99 Please enable a region for the measurement measurement.
100 The remote {0} did not respond.
101 The connection to the remote {0} has been lost.
102 An unexpected remote {0} communication error occurred: {1}
103 Processing a DCA module insertion/removal. Do not insert/remove DCA modules...
104 DCA module insertion complete.
105 TDR mode is not supported; reverting to oscilloscope mode.
106 DCA module removal complete.
107 Connected to: {0}
108 Unable to connect: {0}
110 Waveforms are restricted in length to {0}
111 The waveform can not be acquired with {0} samples/UI. The record length is restricted to {1}
112 A file has not been selected for the {0} operator driving {1}
113 Please {0}reset time reference
114 No time reference set: {0}
115 Please {0} reset time reference to enable precision timebase
116 Setting time reference{0}...
117 Time reference set{0}
118 The interpolation factor was restricted to {0} because waveform length is restricted to {1}
119 Unable to normalize: {0}
120 Unable to write to file "{0}"
121 Unable to read from file "{0}"
122 Could not load "{0}": {1}
123 Could not find file "{0}"
124 Please select a file{0}
125 File save complete: "{0}"
126 Successfully loaded "{0}"
127 Preset "{0}" saved successfully.
128 Preset "{0}" loaded successfully.
129 {0}
130 Unable to load the MATLAB Runtime
131 Creating transfer function...
132 Saved "{0}"
133 Connection failed: {0}
134 User driver command error: "{0}" returned "{1}"
135 User driver initialization timed out
136 User driver command timed out: "{0}"
137 User driver command timed out: "{0}""
140 Autoscaling...
141 Autodetecting parameter...
142 Calculating Channel Scales...
143 Autoscale: {0}
144 Autoscale: {0}
145 Autodetection: {0}
146 Autodetection: {0}
147 The trigger divide ratio was adjusted to {0}
148 The symbol rate {0} must be divisible by the trigger frequency {1}
149 The trigger frequency must be greater than {0}
150 Error loading mask file: {0}
151 Unrecognized command in mask file: {0}
152 Invalid argument {0} for setup command: {1}
153 Missing mask margin definition for region {0}
154 Queries are not supported in mask file setup.
155 This mask file is not fully supported.
156 You must first load a mask...
157 Mask file not specified.
160 Unable to start the {0}License Manager.
161 Unable to find the {0}License Manager. Verify that it was installed correctly and try again.
162 Connecting to the License Service...
163 Unable to connect to the {0}License Service.
164 The PathWave License Service is still initializing. This can take a few minutes.
165 PathWave License Service Error: {0}
170 Markers are not supported {0}
171 "{0}" was saved under a different configuration and may not have been completely restored.
172 Connecting to Keysight IO Libraries...
173 The Keysight IO Libraries service does not appear to be running.
174 The {0} SCPI server is running{1}.
175 The {0} SCPI server could not be started{1}.
176 The {0} SCPI server is not running.
177 Measurement location {0} is out of range.
178 Synchronization with the test pattern has been lost.
179 Remote DCA connection terminated by another user.
180 Keysight IO Libraries is not properly installed.
181 The {0}License Service is unavailable.
182 The feature {0} is unlicensed.
183 {0} has no valid data.
184 CCalibration is required for {0}.
185 Probe Attenuation has been set to {0} for {1}
186 A DUT and Port need to be configured before {0} can be viewed.
187 TDR Step Calibration is required for {0}.
188 {0} is not available in the DUT-based setup experience.
189 Failed to communicate with the ECal module. Please re-insert or try a different USB port.
190 All {0} window tabs are full: {1}
191 All {0} functions have been configured. Remove a function before configuring a new one.
192 The front panel cannot be used {0}
193 Clock recovery: {0}.
194 Loop bandwidth tuning: {0}
200 The Extinction Ratio Correction Factor was defaulted.
210 Unable to install the license: {0}
211 Unable to remove the license: {0}
212 Self-test "{0}" was not found.
213 An upgrade is available that will improve CDR locking and JSA performance.
214 CDR Calibration is required for {0}.
220 Characterizing Loop Response {0:F0}%
221 Clock Recovery Emulation (CRE) is enabled. Ensure that clock-to-data delays are properly matched.
230 No valid source.
231 The search sequence cannot be empty.
232 Insufficient data.
233 No edges were detected in the pattern data.
234 Cannot find "{0}".
235 Already at the only instance of "{0}".
236 Found sequence "{0}".
237 The horizontal scale of the waveform memory is set to track timebase.
238 Unable to adjust the timebase position and/or scale of {0}.
239 The waveform must include at least {0} symbols to find a {0}-symbol sequence.
240 Connected to: {0}
241 Unable to connect: {0}
242 New devices have been detected.
243 Incorrect Symbol Rate or Pattern Length specified for file {0}.
244 {0} is already connected to {1}.
245 {0} is a FlexDCA address.
250 Unexpected error in external application description file {0}, line {1}.
251 Unexpected error launching external application {0}.
252 {0} is not a registered external application.
253 The external application description file {0} is incomplete.
254 Failed to load TDR/TDT cal kit file: {0}
260 Detecting Modules...
261 Mainframe Calibration is required.
262 Failed to communicate with the module in {0}. Please re-insert or try a different port.
263 The {0} module in {1} requires a firmware update to fully work with this mainframe.
264 The {0} does not have a valid digital signature and may be a counterfeit.
265 The {0} EEPROM contents are obsolete. Please re-initialize the EEPROM.
266 The {0} device FPGA firmware is obsolete. Please reprogram the FPGA to version {1} or later.
267 Vertical Calibration is required for {0}
268 Step Calibration is required for {0}
269 Skew Calibration is required for {0}
270 Timebase Calibration is required for {0}
271 Factory Optical Calibration is required for {0}
272 Step Generator Failure: {0}
273 The module in {0} is obsolete. {1}
274 The clock trigger rate must be greater than {0}
275 Please provide a {0} clock to the [Clock In] port or correct the pattern lock parameters.
276 This device will not function properly when connected to a front-panel USB port. Connect the device to a rear port.
277 The instrument has been configured for a divided trigger.
278 USB communication failure with {0}. Please try a different cable or USB port.
279 The Rapid Eye symbol rate {0} is inconsistent with the {1} clock provided to the {2} [Clock In] port.
280 {0}
281 {0}
282 Error loading "{0}": {1}
283 Could not find element "{0}". Make sure this file is for a {1}.
290 An ECal module is plugged into a front-panel USB port. Please move it to one of the rear USB ports.
291 No S-Parameters are selected for export.
292 S-Parameter export requires acquisition data with at least one active TDR step.
293 Error saving S-parameters: The export filename is invalid.
294 Error saving S-parameters: The DUT is not specified.
295 Pattern lock is unavailable: {0}
296 Cannot create memory: source does not contain S-Parameter data.
297 Error loading S-parameter file: {0}
298 The loaded S-parameter file does not use standard differential port mapping.
299 This BETA version of {0} has expired. Please upgrade to a supported version.
300 Unable to set permissions on "{0}"
310 Unable to load limit line file: "{0}"
311 Limit line test created from a clipped waveform.
320 Unable to load the AFR wizard.
330 The {0} module has corrupt contents. Recovery may be possible.
331 The maximum sample rate is limited to {0} based on the capabilities of the modules.
332 CDR YIG Bias Calibration is required for {0}
333 The {0} device is not responding. Please cycle power.
334 The {0} does not have a valid digital certificate.
335 An upgrade is available for this {0} that will enable a {1} sample rate.
336 Overload detected on {0}! Infiniium changed the vertical scale and/or offset.
337 The {0} device must be restarted for the system revision change to take effect.
338 This device requires an update for optimal performance. Please contact your Keysight representative.
339 An error occurred while writing calibration factors to module memory: {0}
340 Jitter mode measurement thresholds could not be determined.
341 Jitter mode measurement thresholds are set out of range.
350 Repository Error: {0}
351 Repository operation timed out.
352 Repository operation canceled by user.
353 Connected to the data analytics repository: {0}.
355 {0} measurement{1} published to the data analytics repository.
357 There are no valid active measurement results to publish.
358 There are no new measurement results since last publish.
359 Please specify a valid repository server URI.
361 There are no cached credentials available for server: {0}.
362 Cannot publish without a connection to a repository.
370 SIRC has been deactivated: {0}
371 The instrument user data partition does not exist. Please contact Keysight support.
372 The Pattern Distortion Compensation could not determined. Please verify pattern lock parameters.
373 {0}
374 Registers are logging to {0}.